Exercício de apoio 7 - Comparing: pattern 3

  • Vencimento Sem data de entrega
  • Pontos 0
  • perguntas 1
  • Limite de tempo Nenhum
  • Tentativas permitidas llimitado



Fonte: World map: abstract acrylic (by Nicolas Raymond)


You read the key findings of OECD and is discussing them with other teachers in the staff room. Complete the sentences that summarize the differences between 2003 and 2012 results according to the extract below:

Some 67.1% of students are low performers in mathematics, meaning that, at best, they can extract relevant information from a single source and can use basic algorithms, formulae, procedures or conventions to solve problems involving whole numbers. Some 1.1% of students are top performers in mathematics, meaning that they can develop and work with models for complex situations, and work strategically using broad, well developed thinking and reasoning skills.

Fonte: OECD



Example: Some students are more skilled than others in Mathematics.