Exercício de apoio 5 - Comparing: pattern 1

  • Vencimento Sem data de entrega
  • Pontos 0
  • perguntas 1
  • Limite de tempo Nenhum
  • Tentativas permitidas llimitado






Fonte: Where can you live well and prosper? (by linuskendall)



You read the key findings of OECD and is discussing them with other teachers in the staff room. Complete the sentences that summarize the differences between 2003 and 2012 results according to the extract below:



Students in Brazil score 410 points in reading, on average – below the OECD average and
comparable with Colombia, Tunisia and Uruguay. Among Latin American countries, Brazil
performs below Chile, Costa Rica and Mexico, but above Argentina and Peru. Brazil’s mean performance has improved since 2000 from 396 to 410 score points.

Fonte: OECD

Example: Brazil is larger than (large) Chile.